This is a classic book on traditional animation techniques and exercises, written by the late great Richard Williams (Who Framed Roger Rabbit). A recommended book for starting out in animation.

Another classic book on the history of animation, written by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston who worked for Disney during the golden years. It speaks a bit about the principles of animation, but it's mostly stories from working in the studio.

This is a great book to learn effects animation, written by Joseph Gilland. Foreword by Michel Gagne who has worked on nearly every major 2D animated film in the late 90s early 00s.

A great book which talks about colours, the history of certain colours and how they all work together.

This is a great book to look at the history of 2D animators.

One of the founders of Hanna-Barbera recounts his career.

These are a great series of books by The Etherington Brothers,ย which also have completely free versions on their blogsite:ย https://theetheringtonbrothers.blogspot.com/p/every-how-to-think-when-you-draw.htmlย

Another one of the classic greats, good to begin understanding anatomy and drawing skills.