16th SEPTEMBER, 2024
Site updated so it's a tad more streamlined. Pages now have subheadings so it's a little easier to find your way around. I'm currently writing a video for my YouTube channel on the animation in the Sonic Advance games for the Gameboy Advance. I was in my teens when those games came out, so they hold a place in my animating heart, and I simply love the pixel animation in the games. I tweeted a little GIF of some of the animations, and it curiously did quite well, especially considering that I'm not subscribed to Twitter, which massively limits your organic reach.
10th July, 2024
Today I had a video call with the creators of the video game #BLUD, a top-down action game which has a heavy influence from the late 90s Cartoon Network era of cartoons. You could argue that this game pays homage to that era of TV animation in the way that Cuphead pays homage to the rubberhose era of animation. Chris and Bob did all the animation in the game, with a frame count approaching the 200,000 mark. It was a pleasure to chat to them, and I'll hopefully make a video for my YouTube channel about the animation in the game.
Additionally, yesterday I received my post graduate certificate of higher education along with my graduating animation students from their final year!​​​​​​​
1st July, 2024
The website is nearly filled with something in each sub-area.
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